I provide a safe and rejuvenating experience through quality, focused, and customizable massage therapy treatment to cater to any need. Massage Therapy Matters! Currently working alongside a ch...
I provide a safe and rejuvenating experience through quality, focused, and customizable massage therapy treatment to cater to any need. Massage Therapy Matters! Currently working alongside a chiropractor and with 15 years of experience in the field of massage therapy I focused my career on Therapeutic techniques. Throughout this journey the majority of my time has been spent working alongside medical professionals, chiropractors, and physical therapists. I have serviced a wide array of people from coaches, athletes, trainers, first responders, accident victims, senior citizens and more. My youngest client was only a few months old when their therapy started, and my oldest client was in their 90’s. I can customize your session to you and your specific needs. I see Massage therapy as healthcare, and believe it should be part of a person's overall wellness journey. It is a necessary part of life. I hate seeing people in pain walk, limp or crawl in to see me, but love when they leave in a much better condition. I'm so thankful to have found something that brings me such joy, and my clients wellness without any side effects. Massage Therapy Matters!
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